Adrian Shanker

Adrian Shanker (he/him) is a writer, advocate, and policy expert in LGBTQI+ health policy. He is editor of two anthologies on LGBTQI+ health. Bodies and Barriers: Queer Activists on Health (2020) is a critically-acclaimed collection of first-person narratives of LGBTQI+ people regarding their experiences navigating care, accessing health information, and more. Crisis and Care: Queer Activist Responses to a Global Pandemic  (2022) is a collection of essays written during the acute phase of COVID-19 to capture the incredible efforts from LGBTQI+ people to care for each other, and our broader community, during one of the greatest times of crisis in our lifetimes.

Image description: On the left, the book cover of Bodies and Barriers: Queer Activists on Health, a grey cover with black speckles and a rainbow of people from an infant to an older adult. On the right, the book cover of Crisis and Care: Queer Artist Responses to a Global Pandemic, a rainbow background with red and orange molecular spheres resembling the COVID-19 virus.